Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pay Back!!

Last week one of Jake's friends, Gavin Garside, decided to play a prank on Jake. Well Jake laughed at first then started to plan his revenge with the help of two of his other friends; Jason and Sam, this is what they did! They first went to Beus Pond, just a couple of minutes from our house, and raked up about 10 HUGE bags of leaves! Then they went to the institute class that Gavin and Jake had that night. Jake told Gvain he was going to be late so that Gavin wouldnt suspect anything when Jake wasnt there. Jake put Gavin's truck on Jack Stands and completly filled his truck from the floor to the ceiling with leaves, also the bed of his truck and all over the top! Needless to say Gavin was very shocked!!


Writer J said...

Nice :D That's some nice payback there.

Adam said...

LOL Nice one bro! He's still gonna be finding leaves inside there a couple years from now I bet!!

Unknown said...

That's sooooo great!!! I about feel off my chair when I saw that pic. Way to go guys!

HeaddaMarie said...

That is so awesome! I'd hate to be the owner of that truck! haha! Your family rocks!

Jana said...

I wanna know how he felt after the shock wore off!! hee hee! :) That is so awesome, good one Jake!! Does revenge come from your mothers personality or your dad's?

Adam said...